Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Dowloaded over 5000 times last Christmas. Treat kids to this great big Christmas Quiz.
40 cool questions suitable for students aged 11 to 16. Provided as a printable doc and also as a PDF slideshow with festive backgrounds.
Also includes a bonus visual round - 10 zoomed in seasonal images for students to guess.
We hope you and your students have a wonderful festive season! Merry Christmas!
A massive resource for GCSE Art. A Thorough scheme of work that leads students through a whole year of the GCSE course and ensures that they have fulfilled the specification requirement to produce a sustained area of study. Includes a lesson by lesson breakdown, homework, health and safety, materials lists and cross curricular links.
Also includes explanation of the Assessment Objectives, a step by step guide to developing a thorough sketchbook and a student handbook providing all the background information they need about the course. The scheme and supporting information is 58 pages long.
And finally … this bundle comes with over 500 original photographs of nature and natural forms to provide inspiration for students. The images are supplied in eight different slideshows, over 500 slides.
This resource will dramatically cut down on time you need to spend planning. It will also ensure that students follow a clear, through structure which fully meets the requirements of the specification. Ideal for AQA and EdExcel specifications.
This resource has been written by an experienced Head of department and Senior Moderator. It has been used in a department that gained the highest grades in England and was judged to be Ofsted Outstanding.
Challenge your students to consider how positive they are about life, learning and pretty much everything. The questions will provide students with a score with a corresponding statement that outlines their particular mind-set. A nice starter activity for group work based on positive or growth mind-sets. Suitable for KS3 and 4.
If your students follow the instructions in this handout they will cover all four Assessment Objectives and be well on their way to passing the GCSE course. Clear instructions, print friendly and fully aligned with the AQA GCSE Art specification. I have used this in my own department where we generally obtain 70% 9 - 7 and 100% 9 - 4. This resource works!!
A level Art. A support document for A Level Art students to help them decide on a theme or topic for Component 1. Suitable for Art and Design, Fine Art, Photography, Textiles and 3D Design. Component 1 is a Personal Investigation and it is important that they choose a starting point that is gong to keep their interest and allow them to clearly meet the Assessment Objectives. This resource provides example starting points, reminds students about the Assessment Objectives and offers a structured approach to getting started with Component 1. Also included is a student friendly explanation of the Assessment Objectives which will help them ensure that they are meeting them through their preparatory work. Written with the AQA specification in mind, but equally suited to EdExcel.
Are you bogged down with report writing? This will help. 22 pages full of comments suitable for Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 Art student reports. Comments cover the full range of abilities and are fully editable. A useful resource for busy Art teachers who require report writing inspiration or just a bit of help with report structures. Provided as a Word document so that comments can be copied and edited.
This Unit of Work provides 4 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with drawing and sculpture based on the human figure. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links, homework and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
Students are encouraged through the scheme to analyse the work of notable artists and sculptors . They are then guided through the development of their own artwork.
A 10 lesson scheme of work for **KS3 **students. The scheme introduces students to a wide range off drawing styles and techniques, from formal tonal work to expressive collage and use of unusual materials such as salt. The aim is to show students that there are many ways of drawing and that they shouldn’t be afraid to experiment.
Each lesson requires approximately an hour to deliver. Homework ideas are also included.
Other information provided includes health and safely / risk assessment, learning skills, materials list, artist references (please note that no artist images are included for copyright reasons) and four example images of student outcomes.
This is a 6 page resource.
**Why not also check out our top selling Art resource, The Complete Art Curriculum **
A level Art. If you are struggling to find outstanding exemplar material to show your A level Art students, this might help. Over 30 slides documenting an A* graded sketchbook. The work clearly demonstrates outstanding observational work along with media experimentation, idea development and critical and contextual referencing. This work was awarded A* and was highly praised by the exam board. This work was produced in response to the AQA A level Fine Art title. The theme here is “Growth and Decay”.
Have a party on the last day of term. A big bundle of preparation free activities to put a smile on kids' faces. A quiz, colouring, drawing, cracker making, group game and more! All for a festive knock down price. 20 resources in total. Normally £48.95. Now £3.00! That's a crazy 94% saving!!
Brighten your Art room with this eye catching poster outlining Art Room rules. Provided as a jpeg for printing at various sizes or even inserting into documents.
Are endless reports getting you down? This might help. Fully editable report comments for form tutors and Heads of Year. These comments are fully editable so that you can modify them to suit your particular requirements. We hope that this resource significantly speeds up the report writing process for you. Provided as a Word document for complete editing freedom. Ideal for all secondary school year groups.
Updated for 2018. The current government workforce challenge reports states, amongst other things that all staff should work from fully resourced, differentiated schemes of study. This resource can provide this along with much more. Schemes of work and resources for a full year’s teaching. Aimed at Year 7, but would also be suitable for Years 8 and 9.
This is a step by step guide to developing a sketchbook. A useful support document for those students who are struggling to cover the Assessment Objectives. The focus of this guide is "Natural Forms", but it could easily be amended to accommodate alternative themes. An editable version of the resource is included.
If you have any questions about the resource please tweet Mael @maelhmatthews. We would be happy to answer your questions.
The Complete Art Curriculum for Key Stage 3. This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked Art lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each Art lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required, and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style.
Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, colour theory, architecture .... and much more.
The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years.
The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Moderator and Professional Artist. They have been used in an Art department judged by Ofsted to be Outstanding.
A 25 slide presentation that clearly explains to students the importance of meeting the Assessment Objectives. In particular, this resource emphasizes the need to generate original and thorough ideas. Through notes and visuals the slide-show shows how ideas link to all four Assessment Objectives. I have used this resource with my own students with outstanding results. Work has been praised by the moderators for being original, thorough and clearly meeting the requirements for the AQA specification.
This resource provides students with an easy to follow sketchbook guide that is fully aligned to the new specification. Ideal for providing an extra level of support for struggling students. Also great evidence of intervention and support to show senior management!
The guide offers background information on the nature of the new specification. this includes how it will be marked and the requirements of the new Assessment Objectives. Students are then guided through a broad range of activities which link directly to the AOs and therefore encourage full coverage of them.
This resource is equally useful to teachers, providing a step by step course structure that teachers can adapt to meet their particular requirements.
Anti Bullying week starts in November. This resource provides a questionnaire that encourages children to think about issues relating to bullying. Also included are example accounts of famous people who have been bullied and potential starting points for class discussions. Suitable for KS2 and KS3.
Why not check out our other resources by clicking here
A step by step guide for students, leading them through the development of a GCSE Art sketchbook. This resource focusses on covering the Assessment Objectives and helps students see how their work can evolve. An invaluable resource for all students, but in particular, lower achieving candidates. This is a sample of the resource. The full resource can be purchased in the TES “premium” section by clicking here
If you have found this resource useful, why not check out More A level and GCSE Art resources by clicking here
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